Frog Painting

From the website of Toyohashi Asahi Elementary School in Aichi , Japan.
Thank you very much for the introduction!

This work reminds me of the season of frogs.
I hope the children can fly away!


The 2nd TANOSHIMITAI (Fun Team )Art Exhibition – Collaboration Exhibition of the late Hachi Matsumoto and 13 Artists

A photograph of iris taken by Hachi Matsumoto.
Thirteen artists created collaborative works in their own styles.

Please take a look!

Thursday, May 9 – Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Closed on Wednesdays during the exhibition period
10:00 – 17:00 (until 16:00 on the last day)

Nagisa Gallery
93-1 Shimoda, Komagata-cho, Toyohashi-shi, Aichi, Japan